Saturday, May 31
Saturday's Suprises and Sex in the City.

hows everyone's weekend so far? i smell fun and i hope its coming from you too. :) muse got a lil suprise from me. actually, not so much of lil since its like a whole day thingy ive planned for him. so yeah. today is his treasure hunt day from me, and it was fun for the both of us since i love suprising my muse as much as receiving them to.
the whole mysterious part of the treasure hunt game was for me to drop clues along the way so that the anticipation for "what's next?" builds up as the day moves ahead. he had a spa session after breakfast, and i also got him to work for one of the clues (40mins on the cycle in the gym, and im proud of him!), while all these are happening, i went to have my me time! haha. did some shoppa for beach party wear for our 10days ibiza trip!
fantabulous plan i made didn't i? :D :D
later, he was all smiley to receive the next clue to arrived at orchard cineleisure at 415pm as told, and absoultely clueless that he has to produce one of the hints to exchange for a movie ticket (SATC!). as for me, i just sat in the theatre and waited for the movie to start and him to come sit beside me (big grin on his face and i was awarded a big fat kiss too.)!
ok, wait, before i go on futher, on a TOTALLY side and unrelated but important note for SATC fans! i neeeeeeda rant and rave bout this. but wtf? Sex and the City will be rated M18 with cuts. with FREAKIN CUTS can u imagine it? oh, and so thanks for nannying us once again, we now know how having sex look like from experience but not through the movie of SEX and the city, what a joke?).
oh well. *regains composure*
now where was i again? ah.. more suprises! *blows kisses*
and the last suprise came when Kimberly, the manager of SAGE called him after the movie (as per requested by me) to remind him of the resevation at 7pm (by then, he laughed and nodded at me. tee hee) and they have been awaiting for our arrival. lol. he hung up with such a silly grin and i just walked off with a smirk on my face and thanking him for the resevation because it was oh so very sweet of him. *chuckles*
P/S : of course..the day can't be any more perfect with gooood sex after dinner. OooOoOooooOO *wink wink and more winks*
lil cornyi know, but i reckon saturday with all these concluded the day of SSS in the City (read : tittle of post). hur hur. *kills self with unacceptable lameless*
and so, since i had so much fun planning for his first treasure hunt, he's happy that im going to do it again some day soon. :)
Friday, May 30
So who's that? Erm by the way..?
- just like the usual mornings like everyday, but the cab ride to work this morning has the ignition on an interesting turn to start our day. muse smiled and looked at me, almost like hesitant, but still did manage to get the question across, in the most direct way, although he threw it over like a very very casual way, it did put a smile on my face, but that was also after i alighted from one george's st. *smirks*
muse :
"so erm....." *raises brows while wearing a big smile across his face*
me :
mmm? *busy typing away on my keypads of my mobile, and smiled back*
muse :
"whos this person that you send textes to every morning?" *stealing glances very carfully at my fingers as i was still busy typing away*
me :
"oh, this is my sis - elica, she just reminded me to pay my credit card bill"
*realises he's still waiting*
me :
"oh....the usual morning text msg was from our board guy, we'll check if we're doing breakie every morning" *shines another smiley face*
muse :
"oh, i see. heh" *reveals a slight contented/relieved look on face*
men. cute animal as they can be, even more with their egos and dignity.
Thursday, May 29
My Evil Twin - Gregor

my heart burns now.
yes lets capture everything on silver salts and create reminiscences of peace and shambles in two different prejudices.
we will laugh until we cry.
we will be so sad because we are too happy.
we will starve, we will gorge.
we will walk for days and sleep for weeks.
our bodies will run tirelessly on chemicals and love.
now i am wondering if you have a bookshelf globe.
we will go where your index lands.
found this comment that gregor left on my old post about our chiangmai trip in 2004. this is how i will always remember my evil twin, which you would never believe how we allow torments at any levels from each other, while we derive some kind of sick satisfaction after some good 5-10mins of verbal abuse (and when the moods stikes, physical abusing will come in as well), and to top it off, we might even insert some evil laughter after (although it can only occur on the usual msn chats, and it normally gets worse/scarier when we are not on chats), and when one basks in his/her glorious victory, the other move on to new evil plots.
we do repent and try to make it up sometimes, for the fear that bad karma strikes, and we're left all alone, with nothing to return, no one to laugh at, and then its realization of who's got the last laugh but thatsthats when we express our brother sister love with words like the above. u see, now we're sure going to heaven, because they say if you repent and redeem yourself, we will be saved. twisted we are, but i hope u see we are still somehow positive. :)
so its been about 6yrs, and this whole disturbing pattern of our lifes, has never failed to inspire each of our souls. thats us. thats my evil twin.
oh, we are also partying at zouk this saturday if your keen to join. please do. share the love. *winks*
Wednesday, May 28
Tuesday, May 27
Alfresco dining at Sunset Bay.

Monday, May 26
Wedding Bells A Poppin!

monday morning has been all bright and gay. because good news are at bay! papa jo has her wedding bells ringing and i am the 1st to know. omg, im going all teary again as all the lovely images poppin my head.

cant believe im the 1st to know, even before their thier immediate families! am so happy for her that i blurted out to be the god daughter when i meant bridesmaid equivalent. LOL. bunny can be such a fool when excited, but all to put a smile on the happy bride's face. :D
i know, some would've been confused, since im not so much of a believer for marriage, but thats really just me. AM always enthusiastic to celebrate from the preps to getting the bride and groom walking down the aisle, as long as im not the bride that is. :P
because weddings ARE beautiful.. like this,

and all us girlies can happily shoosh one more outta the competition for the grab of the bachelors (out there) available. how nice! *giggles*

*hyperventilates* im so looking forward for the hen's night already. muaha haha.
Sunday, May 25
Guy who gets boob implants
i cant believe this!! a professional gambler named Brian Zimbig got breast implants on a dare (and got $100k in return! he says his wife cried when he told her about his augmentation surgery, but now, she enjoys touching them. lol.Sure, Brian! watch him being interviewed by Adam Corolla and Jimmy Kimmel.
*gasps* will you do it for $100k?
Saturday, May 24
All I Need.
In a manner of speaking
I just want to say
That I could never forget the way
You told me everything
By saying nothing
Listen/Download: In a Manner of Speaking - Nouvelle Vague
Friday, May 23
Thursday, May 22
Job Hazards.
- i was typing on the morning trades today and ranting on how hard work sometimes doesn't equates to reward. but what the heck. bunny has to learn to let it go.
i have patience of a saint and contrivance can't bother me. too bad for u "kiddo".
Asking For It.
- the disadvantage of staying over at someone else's place is that we have to be creative in mis-matching the limited clothes we brought over that sometimes have to last for more than 5 working days.
not trading for new sets of clothes over the last weekend serves me right to come to work with my supposed weekend-top *rolls eyes*. and it might be a lil too skimpy if i may add, attracting unwanted attention the minute i sat down with teasing colleagues whistling and giving me the thumbs up. *tsk tsk* the huge hole at the back does not even have a pants to compensate the unintentional-slutty-look that i accidentally created when i decided to match it with my black mini skirt. i know.. *mutters* what was i thinking?
Monday, May 19
Paris and Ibiza!
paris and ibiza in july. confirmation of tickets has been forwarded with the dj list that goes on for months! enthusiasm starts from the ibiza part calender here!
American Idol Top 4 - David Archuleta - Stand By Me
channel surfing last night and this boy from american idol - David Archuleta, is very real and touching. only 16 this year and he even did a Alicia Key's "Falling" when he was even younger. blew me off completely. please do not forget to watch his second song that night - "Love Me Tender" by Elvis, total sweetheart he really is.
Saturday, May 17
Hills Inspired Side Ponytail
Johnny Lavoy shows how to make a Hills inspired side ponytail as seen on Lauren Conrad and Miley Cyrus.
he's a genious and im getting the extensions for some fun soon!
Friday, May 16
Balancing the "load".
- so now we know, and the time has come. zach will be away for some time and a text message from him, made my entrance in the morning to the office a teary one. we all live and learn, i hope he learned well this time. in addition to the already low friday, the dinner with boss yesternight although went really well with the to and fro of problems analysing with desk and what i am expected of for the next quarter, i failed terribly at the negotiation of the money matters. the load IS still getting heavier.
speaking of heavy loads, my hair appt with dear janice gave me a weekend with neater tress and defo a lighter load for my head to prance in the spot lights of zouk tomorrow. yes. party night can be very very theraputic at times like this.
Wednesday, May 14

time is 553pm and that means another 7 minutes more to free my pretty-warmed-butt to be liberated from the pretty-warmed-up-seat of mine in the office. counting down in seconds, and im headed home for quick prep for cousin's wedding tonight.
now. where am i? oooh.
*tick tock tick tock tick tock*......
Monday, May 12
Time for Bunnyself.
- i must admit, i have been leading some kinda mundane life after the hectic weeks of exams and medications, thus, the lack of post here. :)
we must all be understanding that one has to learn to enjoy serenity and indulge in a book and let the imagination be aroused by the other world she feed from what she read. its been awhile since i have the chance to finish a book, with no long pause in between of cause, and finally gave up because the overload of work with the addition of how disorganized this lazy bunny can be. *tsk at self*
but i am in every way, enjoying the time for bunnyself. hop when she wants, prance as the mood arises. its been a tad crazy from the tension from work, but on a good note to start, i now have a new contract to ponder about. mmmm.
while i let my thoughts settle for abit, i am adjusting my seat to read. :) swimming on a monday evening is a good start for the week. *stretches arms and legs*
Wednesday, May 7
Time Out For You.
- the ball just started rolling into the month of may, and i wonder if the volatility of emotions have prepared me to be on my toes, for the better or the worse *smiles*. on a very positive note, at the hike of everything, we always have the settlements of things to look forward to. if, i wasn't the creator of the problem that arose, how should i (?), or can i, contribute to straighten the situation?
well, at least for work, i am sure that i wont allow crap and am not going to be taken advantage of. if you don't want to work with me, i will have to work this out with u. enough is enough.
get ready for the pounding bunny.
Tuesday, May 6
Losing The Family Knots.
- a phone call in the morning and a firmilar voice starting laying down the concerns of our mother. seriously, i wasn't that receptive, like she saidit. and my silence on the other end shows im not even in denial. it's been like 20years at least? recyclying excuses just seem lame and annoying and being a mother of the 3(4 to be exact) full grown adults, you really can't really treat us like fools and expect us to summit time and again. come on. stand on your feet and make us proud of you again.
why are we always left feeling guilty of mistreating when we've been taken advantage of time and again. such traditional culture we live in, if we don't summit, we are therefore deemed "unfilial". how unfair.
wotever. i respect my dear sisterkins so damn much that i will do it for one more time. lets hope things will really change for the better. mmm.
Sunday, May 4
Let Down or Let Go?
- i awoke to see a text message and i didn't know how to react to it until some 10 minutes later and tears started welling up in my eyes. what could be more painful? to be betrayed by someone who loves you so dearly, or to see your dear ones betrayed themselves?
it was good that he pulled me out for a dip in the pool. so i could get out and take a breather. i swam to the far end, laid my head back and rested it on the edge, facing the blue sky, water level just above my ears.
i just watch the clouds go by.
Thursday, May 1
Mrs Vandebeek (Mia)

one of my favourite person in the world. pictures were captured at her wedding barbeque (2nd day) in bali this january. :)