Tuesday, May 26
Twitter Updates.

love the iridescence in soap bubbles.
OTW bazzaar organised by 2902 (like a happy sponge, soaking up new inspirations) + totally passed on Samantha Ronson at Fuel, and Above and Beyond at Zouk last week, Stephane Pomounac is reeeally just my only consolation for now + new found obsession for everything iridescent, especially, soap bubbles! (get over my being wierd will u?) + go watch 100 Touching Photo Expressing Loneliness and Solitude in awe + catching up with zach and family bring back feelings all warm and fuzzy + anticipating my diving trip in Redang around june and Manado in aug (not forgetting Lin's wedding in Bali 30th Oct and prolly HKG and NYC too. P/S : not getting close to OD-ing from my ridiculous amount of getaways - because i know i deserve it.) + the sweet lil thing just got sweeter by the day *smiles* + i need to shoot because i need to shoot.
see that i have absolutely no problem with brievity at all?
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