Monday, March 31
All That Bangkok.
- back in sin. and i realise coming back from a holiday can only be as happy if i have a next trip to look forward to (ho chin minh in april! weeeeeeee!). so this will mean i have to quickly make make up my mind for my next trip and hopefully be all ready-set-go just before i depart for HCM. he agrees. *bunny smiles in glee*.
our last night's dinner in bangkok was at Saffron. Banyan Tree's signature restaurant , which offers Thai-inspired flavours that took us a lil further experiencing the rich cultures of all that kup koon krup. Located on the 51st and 52nd floor, the skyline of the city could almost take your breathe away (not untill our visit to the Vertigo next).
i was determined that we have saffron back in sin, which both tt and i have no recollection where this familiar name appeared back home. Being a religious googler , i found the answer in 10sec (internet never seize to amaze, and google never EVER disappoint bunny). but we're only half right that saffron is in sin, but they serves indian cruisine instead of the rich flavours of thai. keke.
always good to know right?
high above on some 61 floors above the streets of Bangkok, at the top floor of the Banyan Tree, we arrived at the Vertigo grill and Moon Bar . oh so stylish, sophisticated and reaching for the clouds, there is no better place for a romantic tête-à-tête, glamorous cocktail party or fashion launch than this. its a different sight of bkk for me. well, the slightly more atas experience.
hokay. bye bye to bkk for now. hcm next. im such a shamless holiday addict.
Saturday, March 29
To Find Each's Own.
read it from of the regular blogs feed today.
“There’s a popular belief among anthropologists that you must immerse yourself in a completely unfamiliar world in order to truly understand your own.”- annie, the nanny diaries
i concur.
not only that i feel how i can relate to the quote, but i alway emphasised how learning bout our own self can be very very intriguing. i never stop discovering. narsissistic or not, i am totally into my myself, however sometimes my insecurities (my BIGGEST flaw) might appear that i think very highly of everyone else, bunny NEVER belittle herself. tee hee. we should never have limitations for anyone's performances (you and me and entire population). look far and think big. you'l be surprise to see what you've missed.
Thursday, March 27
Kup Koon Krup!
- am in the office but my mind is already in bangkok. yesh. tonight my ass will be sitting in swiss airline's cabin and my whole will be transported to bangkok by the time the clock strike 2230. yeeepeedeee yapeedooo dee.
not sure if we will start partying or prolly just start club hopping for abit till x gets here tomorrow evening. anyhow, the trip is mainly about who's spinning what and wherebouts we should be getting gears. woo hoo.
1st stop. metropolitan hotel. its a different experience for me since ive never in my entire life paid more than sgd100/night on my stay in any parts of thailand. this one is USD180 (with a discount). madness. but im a lucky bunny that doesnt have to pay for that. :)
hokay. 815am and im going back to work.
counting down. tick tock tick tock.
Monday, March 24
Right Attitude Makes Things Right.
- have you sometimes ask if you've lost yourself, but also in a delimma if that can even happened when you didn't try to find yourself in the start. looking back at your own path, how much regrets were worth the while? even now that you know that it was a mistake but it taught you a million things, turned your life and make you a different you today?
the paths that we've crossed. people that ive lost, along my journey till today, has opened me up and taught me how to love myself, even more today than yesterday. but sometimes i do reflect on how i have landed myself onto such selfish state, hurting yours truely and those who have a heart for me, although many a times i make a my stand, hurting someone or myself can still be unstoppable.
i want to remind you (defensive to you?), bunny is not afraid to be hurt, because i know that its inevitable in life, as we already know *smiles* (yadda yadda). i seek balance in life and although i do not say out loud that i enjoy being hurt, i actually do look forward to be feeling soar or achy for some reason i can't explain. only to derive a sigh of relieve that now its time for me to pick myself up and look forward to what ahead.
i view myself as foward looking ,but some will argue that im not positive looking.
i have grown to learn and accept how mars differs from venus. how mankind can be the same and yet so different. understanding how feelings develop and why we always regret. all we need to do, is to do what makes us happy(there are millions of things that do, really), although we know that our mind and heart doesnt really go the same way, its what YOU truely want outta it that matters. sometimes, its the attitude in life, that makes it all ok. sometimes, both outcomes can be rewarding, but i am willing to give it a try anyhow because i am really not the rejecting sort. i trust myself have the right attitude to make things right. its just a matter of choice really.
Tuesday, March 18
Go Ahead - Feet The Fish.
- a new craze catching on in a big way - fish therapy. i know of alot who tried it, im thinking to go for the fun of it too. bunny love to try new things!
these tiny toothless Turkish spa fish, of the Garra rufa species, nibble off the dead skin on your hands and feet, leaving healthy skin to grow. well, the feeling was heard to be described as "something between hundreds of tweezers and tiny suction cups gently pecking at your feet" .
its a dare to Feet The Fish! *twiddles thumb*
Monday, March 17
Bad Student.
- need to do really well for this last two terms.
Sunday, March 16
- all has been good. but when i snapped and realised, i wasn't hesitant to pack up and leave. "its not u, its me" was all i said. but followed by a call when i hopped into the cab with him at the other end of the phone making me feel bad for leaving just like that. i freaked out. again.
so here i am. home and safe feeling, i ponder over the conversation last night. do i get lonely? shrugging off these questions that are not my priorities now always seem to rationalise me and bring me back on track. we just need to know what we want, and i know i am not the one for him. pronto.
some people question when is the right time to move on, i reckon i should make it happen and not have no patience but fear for it to eventually happen. the clock is ticking, although the time span is indefinite, i never really want to waste time really. on the brighter side of things, we all had a good time and we MUST always look for the greener pasture on the other side.
learning to let go is to free your hand for the next to hold.
Thursday, March 13
- the office peeps have been blessed with the pantry auntie preparing our daily coffees and teas and even have it served at our individual desk. but she being like 60yrs old, can be very cranky and questioned why was she not pre-informed of any one of our absentees. lol.
for me, even if it mean OD-ing from tea, i make sure i emptied hers at least before i leave the office.
sometimes, it takes minimal effort to make someone happy.
Casulo - mobiles Wohnen / Aufbau
(pronounce as ka zoo low)
an entire bedroom delivered in a 31″ x 47″ box : armoire, desk, height adjustable chair, two stools, bed with mattress, and a six-shelf bookcase.
amazing. :)
Sunday, March 9
- class on a sunday morning is NOT right. not to even mention a FULL DAY's class.
whats wrong with kaplan?
like a slave for everything.
Not a Quitter.
- hectic weeks of classes and experiencing stress all over every time a new term starts can be very very draining. blame it on my inability to cope better, my ADD, or this stupid mental blocking habit whenever i get frustrated how my pea brain can't understand basic concepts of financial management. interest rates, forwards, futures and options used to ring a bell and now i just wanna chuck them till im ready to open up my barrier to learn why and how they behave. tt is trying very much to help. what the fuck am i doing.
*pinches self* come on bunny, impress me will ya?
Saturday, March 8
One's Trash is always Someone Else's Treasure.

Chris Gilmour makes amazing artwork using only cardboard and glue. and they are mostly live size. prolly easier if you think of it than doing a maniature model, but looking at a live size model is actually more visually satisfying.
Friday, March 7
Fighting PMS
- when we cry, something inside of us says, 'tis is the truth," and we rejoice in love or the truth or grace or mercy or sadness and loss. smething opens up and floods our beings with a cleansing flow of saltwater tears. an interesting phenomenom that most all of us experience from time to time.
what happened last night still gives me the creeps.
i experienced my worst of pmses yester night and feeling dumber than ive ever felt in my entire life during class yester was very effective in provoking tears which i held back untill i trotted back home and let my tears run like an open tap. resting my elbows at the basin and hands covering face, i wept like nobody's business but only the feeling of helpless and never have i felt so fragile, so vulnerable. completely outta control.
it was unacceptable and confusing for me since ive never felt so depressed for reasons so small like this. and i tried so bloody hard to think happy thoughts which only ended up garning enough strength to take a walk around the house - occasionally pausing to stare outta the windows and balcony to distract myself. i never need to pop any medication for pms.
current mood -
relieved (new found friend -panadol menstral!) and frustrated (am at war with pms. pronto.).
Thursday, March 6
Talent Feeds - Young Fashion Photographer, Jingna

she believed and held onto everything that was once promised,
everything that would be,
fading away…
i was mezmorized by what she'd done.
bout the photographer..
When Jingna was in Secondary 3, she decided that, if she wanted her life to revolve around her passion, she had to make it happen herself. She quit school and decided to pursue a career into the world of high fashion.”There was not enough time for my interests with a full load of schoolwork to finish. I felt I was ‘wasting’ the prime of my life by not pursuing my passions. I know many people think it’s foolish to stop studying. But I don’t. My definition of success is just different.”
check out her latest work 'Forgotten Fairytales’..
“The title of my image is ‘Forgotten Fairytales’, and marks the beginning of a fairytale-inspired photo essay. Not all images are as unreal as fairytales, but just almost … without having or needing the obvious traits of the original tales, with only enough elements to suggest the inspiration. The project seeks to touch on emotions and explorations of existence and dreams, with minute reality intact. I wrote a caption to go with this image. I often write captions for pieces that are more important or personal to me.”
rest of her work can be admired here at .Zemotion.
Wednesday, March 5
Gals Dinner Tonight.

finally meeting my girls tonight. mini cat fight paradize. dinner at himawari japanese restaurant
*blows kisses at mia and hermie*
finally our looooong awaited dinner! *roars*
Cabby With White Gloves.
- cute cabby uncle initiate a small chat that i would normally try to steer away from, simply because there are alot of sleazy old men who tries and chat up some female passengers just so their pathetic life can be a lil weazy bit more interesting *eyes rolling* - im no saint to participate in that. grr.
my eyes glanced over at his white gloves on the wheels as he enthusiastically blabbered on the story he that he's so eager to share (not asking me what i do for a living to start is at least not annoying). he was soooo insistant that i match up with men which belongs to the zodiacs of either a dog, goat or tiger. *rolls eyes*
at the high of his story, just minutes before i alighted, he muttered "i match make 2 of my daughters and one of them was a passenger of mine. he was rat and im sure he fitted the bill, he was single then, and i waited no more to get a date for my daughter. they are now happily married with 2 beautiful girls.."
me : *GASPS*
i was in utter shock (and i think i looked shockily retarded as well - he spotted how he must have impressed/impact me) but with the short distance work journey, i lost this acquaintance that only left his unbelievable story ringing in my head.
cabbies do have amazing stories. and now this one left me with only half of it. *mutters*
Tuesday, March 4
Book Launch By Chow Chee YOng - 30th FEB
- my lecturer from my photo project class -Chow Chee Yong, has finally launch his new book. chekkit!

30th February
Kay Ngee Tan Architects Gallery is pleased to present 30th February- the sixth solo exhibition by fine art photographer, Chow Chee Yong. 30th February is the product of a four-year long awaited inauguration by Chow. He was known for being the first of only three Singaporeans whose prints were acquired by the Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts (KMOPA). Chow’s works were further showcased by KMOPA alongside Nobuyashi Araki, Ansel Adams and Helmut Newton in his most recent group exhibition. Drawing influences from the surrealists, most notably Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte and Op Artist MC Escher, Chow questions possibilities of subverting expectations of the experiences. These processes of questioning reality forms the catalyst of visual ideas that propels Chow to sketch, and thus beginning the recording and compilation of these photographic images necessary to make the non-existential alive. The collective of images were finally juxtaposed and fixed onto the final photographic print in the darkroom.
In Chow’s work, we experience surrealistic images that defy our notions of conventional perceptions. A swimmer freestyles through a ripped fence, another swimmer surfaces to inhale air in a strip of water in a building corridor; windows emerge in the midst of field; building columns taper off into buttress roots. These juxtaposed images fragmented of time and spaces, retain truly absolute to the artist’s imagination. Chow will be launching his first publication, titled 30th February alongside the exhibition opening reception. It showcases development in his art practice, images not publicly shown, and illustrations of the process to realizing his “personal belief that one’s imagination and the very private world of dreams must form the start of any creative work”, as quoted from the artist.
Chow graduated with a BFA (Hons) degree in Photography in 1994 from Western Michigan University, USA. The JCCI Art Scholar received his MA (Distinction) degree in Photography in 2001 from the Musashino Art University. He has held a number of solo and group exhibitions internationally in Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and the United States. Chow’s works have also been featured in numerous publications such as the Passages North (USA), OP Editions (Hong Kong), particularly the Nippon Camera and Asahi Camera in Japan. His works have also been compiled in two series under the titles of Light Trails and Things unseen, Places not been. Chow’s original prints can be found in various corporate, private and museum collections in Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and the United States. He is currently a photography lecturer in the Department of Visual Communication at The Temasek Design School, Temasek Polytechnic.
For further information, please contact Ee Peng or Tricia at or (65)64230198.
Monday, March 3
Good Things Come Late!
- dinner @ Au Petit Salut in replacement of the initial plan to swim.omg. my diet plan has been crushed once again.
counting down to bkk on the 27th later in the month and my darts are also fixed on hongkong for a shoppa shoppa, just needa get the dates fixed. *flutters lashes* was opting for Jetstar, but Cathay has some really ace deals that makes us peeps even more exshyted! the stay at Cosmo Hotel looks fantastic with the package!
ahhh. wish list for the year in check. teeeee heee hee. >,<
Wrong Approach Turns Bunny Off.
- Franck added you as a friend on Facebook. We need you to confirm that you are, in fact, friends with Franck.
Franck says, "Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living?;-).".
To confirm this friend request, follow the link below:
OMG. *proceed to click delete and ignore*
to try, is a good effort, but it only applies to those who actually didn't try to turn u off instead. FYI : to think that such lame comment flatters most female, is like how a man tries to work on the wrong spot on their partner. *eyes rolling*
hint : always find out what the other want before you make the dumbest move, if not, you NOT moving might be the best move- IF you're that dumb.