Thursday, March 6
Talent Feeds - Young Fashion Photographer, Jingna

she believed and held onto everything that was once promised,
everything that would be,
fading away…
i was mezmorized by what she'd done.
bout the photographer..
When Jingna was in Secondary 3, she decided that, if she wanted her life to revolve around her passion, she had to make it happen herself. She quit school and decided to pursue a career into the world of high fashion.”There was not enough time for my interests with a full load of schoolwork to finish. I felt I was ‘wasting’ the prime of my life by not pursuing my passions. I know many people think it’s foolish to stop studying. But I don’t. My definition of success is just different.”
check out her latest work 'Forgotten Fairytales’..
“The title of my image is ‘Forgotten Fairytales’, and marks the beginning of a fairytale-inspired photo essay. Not all images are as unreal as fairytales, but just almost … without having or needing the obvious traits of the original tales, with only enough elements to suggest the inspiration. The project seeks to touch on emotions and explorations of existence and dreams, with minute reality intact. I wrote a caption to go with this image. I often write captions for pieces that are more important or personal to me.”
rest of her work can be admired here at .Zemotion.
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