"dysfuctionally inspired"

Friday, March 7

Fighting PMS

    when we cry, something inside of us says, 'tis is the truth," and we rejoice in love or the truth or grace or mercy or sadness and loss. smething opens up and floods our beings with a cleansing flow of saltwater tears. an interesting phenomenom that most all of us experience from time to time.

    what happened last night still gives me the creeps.

    i experienced my worst of pmses yester night and feeling dumber than ive ever felt in my entire life during class yester was very effective in provoking tears which i held back untill i trotted back home and let my tears run like an open tap. resting my elbows at the basin and hands covering face, i wept like nobody's business but only the feeling of helpless and never have i felt so fragile, so vulnerable. completely outta control.

    it was unacceptable and confusing for me since ive never felt so depressed for reasons so small like this. and i tried so bloody hard to think happy thoughts which only ended up garning enough strength to take a walk around the house - occasionally pausing to stare outta the windows and balcony to distract myself. i never need to pop any medication for pms.

    current mood -
    relieved (new found friend -panadol menstral!) and frustrated (am at war with pms. pronto.).
posted by fries @ 1:45:00 PM