"dysfuctionally inspired"

Friday, November 2

Sipadan Vs Lectures. Latter won. :/

    i just received the timetable for my finance management. for some freak sake of bad luck, it clashes with my sipandan trip and i just need to do wadda need to do. i need to focus and be good as it has been my unshakable resolution to finish work, FIRST - priorities in life. need to mend my ways.


    last two terms - i can play later.

    still. this sucks. BIG time.

    I am almost cranky bunny untill i meditate on my japan trip in dec. *glimps of silly grin*

    i can be easily pacified.


    *jumps back bury self in book*

    background+ random cafe del mar songs from tcc
posted by fries @ 2:02:00 PM