Monday, October 15
Repeal It. 377A.COM

Equality is a term is used by people of many disjointed political philosophies developed separately by political activists. This is about our societal view about gay lifestyles. Repealing the Act has one fundamental impact, it means that we accept the lifestyle as mainstream. Just like if we approve other behaviours like drug abuse. Do they hurt others? Yes and no, it is arguable. But it is clearly frowned upon by society at large. What does that say? It says it goes against the grain of our moral beliefs.
Adultery is unequivocably sinful, as upheld in Christian conviction. Even with other major religious beliefs, it is deemed undoubtedly immoral. It has far-reaching social consequences which threaten our social fabric, but there is no legislation against it.
So why this?
The homosexual community is not trying to determine who is right and who is wrong, just basic recognition that they can live the lives they have chosen without prejudice or discrimination. Come'on people, what makes you think you're in any position to outcast anyone whom you deemed are "different" and "abnormal"??
Morality refers to an ideal code of conduct, one which would be espoused in preference to alternatives by all rational people, under specified conditions. Therefore, if society considers gay lifestyle immoral, then it cannot approve of it in the laws which reflects our core beliefs. Unfortunately, this website is a reflection of a minority, who has great power over the sphere of media.
Even IF homosexuals are a minority, the tyranny of the majority should not subjugate them. I am not one and I will not even think I am any different from anyone of them. The only agenda here is for homosexuals not to live under the shroud of a criminal offence, which Section 377A serves to enforce, for a life of their own free will, which does not concern anyone else.
NOT EVEN YOU. *tsk tsk*
Homophobes, racists and sexists live in the same sphere of pond scum! Help make this country better by signing the petition to repeal the irrelevant law! The only moral and just stand is to repeal 377a.
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