Thursday, July 22
peaks and falls of the week.
- there's new blood in our club, she's a freakin 17yr old whom my boss had taken one of my days (and most of the part-timers) for her to squeeze in. my teeth were clenched, my breathe was growing deep with a pinch of feeling angst and sourish when i unwillingly accepted the changing of plans starting next mth. i dun care for her at all, but to hell with the paycut and playground disturbed. its my bread and butter and i like them untouched. gosh.
there's peaks and falls thats keeping my life a tad bit more exciting as usual. *smiles* its all going to happen tomorow! wakeboarding will be at 12ish. something more exciting next will be happening at about 6pm(and im not sharing it with u yet). lastly, crazy bitches gathering at MON PETIT(sharon lovely's new pastry/dining place in robinson rd) is just roaring awesome. with all things piping hot(i'm lucky to have a group of sexy, smart, wild and loving galfrens), the conversations we always shared never fail to amuse me with all things explicit and juicy. *laughs*
alrighty. its 6pm and it means the poor thing waiting for me below will be waiting for another 15mins more at least. haha.
background + lisa ekdahl
Tuesday, July 13
sleepless days without food.

i have to keep my distance, draw the line and make you see where we're headed. dun misunderstand me, you are very very nice. i'm not worth it. let me go.
oh, ive not slept for 2 nights in a row. *smiles*
so busy, crazy and sleepy.
and never hungry.
but my mind just wont rest, it wants me dead, i know.
background + radiohead
how to disappear completely
Saturday, July 10
salon visits.
- jan dear laid her hands on me again. i love it whenever i visit her. we always had fun catching up and giggling away while she fidgets with my hair. we'll talk about our passions.. music, bands and what we wanna do in time to come. she always and already know what she wanted, sets her goal and works on it. we both love to travel, i will hope to do that together, she's the adventurous sort, fun and enthusiastic about new things, definetely a good travel companion. i always walked out with smiles on my face, and complete cool look, all thanks to her excellent skills. i love my new haircut.
background + lisa ono
les feuilles mortes
Friday, July 9
coarse voice and not talking.
- i was straining my voice througout my sets tonight. my voice was getting so coarse after my 2nd set i don't even wanna talk. *shakes head* bad bad BAAAD. but still had fun on stage. i always do. someone suggested me to quit singing and stick with my 2 other jobs. i think he's crazy. he don't know, i never knew i was even working at all during my sets. so, having loads of fun and getting paid, who the dumbhead would quit?
ok, i have to rest early.
maybe i won't talk to you tomorow.
be prepared.
*strokes throat*
be good. be good ok.
Wednesday, July 7
sun, sea and the people soaking in them.

sun, sea and the people soaking them.
the sun glows on ur face.
beautiful melting thoughts.
like the magical powers you possess,
drawn to the wonderland we share.
we dance to no music,
but only the beats of our hearts.
bring me.
or watch me follow.
take me,
will you take me.
the sun,
and your heart.
background + bic runga
bursting through
Monday, July 5
Mistaken Dancer.
- there's this mudhead whom i met in my friend's pub along boat quay who recognised me and claimed that i he'd seen me somewhere before. *sticks lower lips out* so what. i dun care. coz i was tired and cranky, plus i lost my voice and so i cant talk , its so late but i cant go home coz i need to send darren to the airport at 6am. *fwaps*
mudhead : "hey u! we met before? u are..*scratches his gel-soaked-head* a performer from somewhere right?!"
me : (reminding self- must be polite, must be polite)*nods* *smiles* (shucks, i behaved like a retard)
mudhead : (still cracking his mudhead figuring out where he met me) AHHHH!!!!! you're from XXXXXXXXXX!!! yes yes! right?!
me : *flashing silly smiles again(i cant tok,how am i suppose to react?)*
mudhead : you are....a DANCER right???
me : *immediately switches to ignoring mode*
hey u mudhead, a dancer don't hold the microphone. ok? *throws annoying look*
well well, u learn new things everyday.
background + bic runga
Sunday, July 4
Party Pics For Jona's Work Design.
- jona used my pics for her work design. im flattered. at the bottom page, credits was given to me too. im a happy bunny! whee!
thanks babe.
.michelle ching.
background + big runga
Saturday, July 3
moolah com and gone.
- there's another birthday party tonight. i can only leave after my sets. meaning i can only join them after 1230am. suckers. i love to dance and i miss partying, but only with the right company and the crazy happy people.
ive ordered some stuffs from victoria secrets and i cant wait for them to arrive. come now, u little pieces of laces, overpriced, but they are my love too. i just wanna spent some moolah since ive been losing them(or dropping them) so frequently(might as well spent it). some lucky mofo who took my 240bucks and didn't have the decency to return them to me, you sonafabitch, the world is round, u turd. *sniggers* sorry peeps, excuse me for the language, i just have to get it off my back. pfft.
*checks time* i have to go, i am so freakin late.
background + portishead