"dysfuctionally inspired"

Sunday, August 21

Missing Pieces Family Tree

    i couldnt catch my breathe on stage today and i thought i was gonna faint. wheezing throughout the entire day, but it stopped after our visit to dad's tomb today. strange, but soon as we trotted out, i started to cough again. *shrugs* so maybe dad has limitations for blessing me? or he thinks that he's little girl deserve some coughs and wheezes to slow down her pace that he hadn't been able to catch up?

    i miss you dad. seeing you has always been calming for me.

    zach has been gone for years and nobody has any idea where he is now. though we didnt have the best of relationships, we all love you and wish for your safety. come back home when you miss mummy. if not for us, then at least for your mum. hmm. sometimes, i think its the men in the house that has made us stronger, sober, and tougher. whatever it is, we still make the best out of the worst senario. always. i love my sistakins and my auntie mummy dearest. who cares if we have missing pieces in our family tree.

    ok, so much for the low mood ive had after my set tonight. yay! extra show this month! its woo hoo for me!

    tralala fa la la.
posted by fries @ 1:08:00 AM