"dysfuctionally inspired"

Monday, August 8

Seeing The Room Again.

    ive been playing this over and over again.

    a : say you love me? *grins*

    b : *laughs* i love you!

    a : one more time?

    b : *repeats* one more time?

    *background with all the slaps and laughters*

    missing him is an understatement. i stepped into the room and got myself busy checking stuffs on the net and telling myself i need to study. all things are still intact and i have yet to move anything at all eversince i came back. the scrabble board is still sitting at the corner and we have our old scores scribbled on the paper. the ash tray is not mine. i peeped, and there they were, marlboro menthol lights, all not mine.

    the tix to shanghai is so expensive that we didnt think we can afford to fly me over to catch the grand opening of the club. the worst news came when muse said the project might drag for another month or so. "oh, ahh.." was what i can come up with. i feel like crying but im surrounded by people, i just held my breath, i just kept talking. "good that all is good for you" , "ok, will take to you later. bye." i hate to wait for time. i hate that its always so damn bloody slow when ure waiting, and how its past us by when u hope time stays for just that little while.
posted by fries @ 11:44:00 PM