"dysfuctionally inspired"

Wednesday, March 26

    this thing is irking me and i don't think i can let the matter rest just like that. i just learnt that my tuition teacher had been verbally and physically abuse by her brother everytime, though she assured me the physical abuse had stopped ever since he's aware of the consequences. i'd urged her to report to the police and she told me she'd tried but the fucking police chose to believe the brother than the father. wtf? her mum can even suggest her to find someone to get married to get away from her hopeless brother! what has the world become? i wanted to set foot into this and hunt the bloody man down, but listen to the next shocking news..her dad is a prison officer! i don't understand why and how can he allow the unfillial son to manipulate them like that? *bangs her fist on desk in anger*

    this is damn irritating. i can't get it off my head till till now.

    *beep* *beep* *beep* (more vulgarities not to be posted..)

    background + chemical brothers & beth orton
    vanilla sky

posted by fries @ 1:54:00 AM