"dysfuctionally inspired"

Monday, April 14

To Breathe or Not To Breathe?

    3rd day of the trip, the scorching hot sun for these past 3days in saigon has been over the top and coupled with the excessive pollution of the air, i swear, i've never felt so dirty in my entire life. the pores of my skin must be choking for breathe if they can react to the bad weather condition here. all the exfoliations have been wasted and i prolly have to do a major DIY salt scrubba dub back at home to at least calm my traumatised pores that have been opened to the overwhelming conjestion of the sand/sweat/smokes for a full 4 days in vietnam.

    last day tomorrow. running quick check list to the city i think. more updates when im back.

posted by fries @ 12:53:00 AM