"dysfuctionally inspired"

Monday, February 25

Stopping To Ponder.

    when do we stop to think? how does one reflect on things? when will you ever stop? thinking bout things that affect me (or how it might eventually affect how i think) is constant and i never need to stop to ponder since i never stop pondering. often, people ask if it can be bad to be a thinker too much and too often, but i refuse to define them yo be either good or bad (i believe there's always a two-way outcome outta of situation and the understanding of things may just help us win the battle of doubts.) what triggers your thought matters quite a bit and a problems will not be resolved by themselves without planning a solution. random thoughts can be harmless if we reflect on how and why it happen and how we feel we should've handled it in a manner that has lower risk of us feeling regretful later.

    its been awhile since i last have a good solid conversation about ethics or philosophy. an argument is always worth to be fought when the different ideas are shared and enlightenment can always be achieved both ways. bunny yearns to be interllectually challenged.
posted by fries @ 10:30:00 PM