"dysfuctionally inspired"

Wednesday, December 12

Happy Birthday Pa.

    movement of my feet - swinging, as i hung my legs over the chair.

    my eyes - glazing. dazing. almost closing. but im still not sleeping.

    boredom - long hours in texas hold'em poker room bears testament to that.

    my time to stop. wait. hibernate. one day, just one day. work and no more zonking in and out. how can anyone enjoy life this way (if there is even anyone who does, im almost tempted to salute him/her, but i know i shouldn't.), i cant even do this for half a day. well, at least it give me zest to start tomorrow afresh. i should start working on my assignments for a more peacful trip to come soon.

    enjoying life is when you know you've worked hard enough, and u absolutely deserve the fruit of labour.

    so much work. i still have to wish dad a happy birthday. we still miss you mucho deep. i close my eyes tonight only to see you at the samo couch and pointing finger at ur 3 lovely under aged girls with $1.50 in your hands, asking us to buy ciggies for you. ah. our 1 room hdb flat at henderson road. just us and you. hmm. and your tv. *laughs* . and me, as always, will avoid eye contact with you just so sisterkins gets such sucky task every night.

    if i recall hard enough. i can even smell his da li fa gao (a pungent old green hair cream he never failed to apply every single day to work, rain or shine.)

    pa. you don't know how much i wish i can buy ciggies for you now.

    . . . . . . . . .
posted by fries @ 10:03:00 PM