Monday, January 13
- i wanted to do something for the society,so i decided to do volunteery work. i had asked mummy pat to join me. hopefully i can gather a bunch too. this will be fun and meaningful during my holidays(i cant just rot and veg till i start work and school, i have to find the meanings of life, coz i don't have any now. bleh ). *mental note to give ck's mum a ring on the arrangement details* i'm actually very excited about it.
will be meeting macho wil for lunch and el will be joining too. he's making me extending my contract to buy a new cell phone for his beloved. *mutters* (then sacrificing my line..) oh well, hope its all worth man..(the girl is not even his girlfriend for christsake) *rolls eyes at macho wil* you should buy me dinner eh? muahahahah..
im experiencing with my action sampler. it was fun.

background + pink martini
amado mio
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