Thursday, January 9

now that im on a holiday and all, i started to realise that there are too many busy people around me(or those i don't know). most of them bury themselves in work and only looked forward to the luxurious life ahead IF they worked hard triggered my curiousity if anyone treasures or even appreciates the real happiness in life(i always make sure i do whatever makes me truely happy). there are tangible benefits to happiness -health, creativity, productivity, even altruism are all higher in happy people.happy people are more likely to contribute to charity, and their social lives tends to be better.and people in a good mood seem to be more likely to resist temptation. but if they slip, they can take cheer :they have stronger immune systems. *smiles*
happiness even affects our financial lives. happy people are more reliable workers, so they earn higher salaries and tend to get more job interviews(hmm..but though i have not and need not go through interviews yet, i still believe so). but get this : money dosen't really buy happiness.people with no money are consistently more depressed than people who had enough, but after basic needs are met,money has a very small effect. lottery winners return to close to baseline after a fairly short period. a survey of the riches americans showed they were a little happier than average people, but hardly enough to justify the effort they put into getting and spending.
i'd learned to appreciate life and enjoy every moment of happiness since i was young. prolly because i had a bad childhood. i grew up from a brokened family, had nasty aunts and uncles constantly torturing and abusing us, using voilence to educate us, but it only made me a stronger person , and it had cultivated a stong bond between me and my two beloved sisterkinnies - ivy and el.we depended no one but ourselves and even now, the three of us were inseperable. i love my sisters deeply, and everything and every person who loves me..contented, i may sound, but i know its more than this that happiness has given me.
so my new year resolutions..
1) be positive and stay happy.
2) more appreciative.
3) more expressive(like showing how much i love everyone and letting them know)
4) always stretch out a helping hand whenever needed. (never expect returns)
5) put away all the unhappiness and be more forgiving.
thats about it. happy new year to myself.
background + stina nordenstam
something nice
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