"dysfuctionally inspired"

Wednesday, January 22

    i cant find a patner to suede's concert *mumbles*, but hey, it's norah jones' tomorrow. *wears a big smiley face* .had just recieved a piece of good news, we might be settling for london though( we're just relieved its not paris, but brussels is still good ).

    *lets out a heavy sigh*

    i had just conviniently postponed my tuition today because im feeling a tad bit worn out from the past few long days and short nights. *rubs her sleepy eyes* had to recharge myself a little for the early weekend and maybe catch up with my homework when i am not so groggy then. this is the joy of engaging a private one to one tuition, when all you have to do is to dial her number and fix another date (u dont have to feel regretful everytime you missed a lesson in class coz u won't miss any). of course, that is something i should never practice frequently of that'll definetely defeats the purpose of focusing on my school work, *throw an assuring look* i still wanna score, you know? *blinks an eye at you*

    alrighty, have to get my ass of my room and start preparing myself for my date with spring. (oh hell, im intoxicated by ck's corny-ness.)

    tatata .

    background + paul weller
    wildwood (portishead remix)
posted by fries @ 9:07:00 PM