Saturday, June 14
DIY-ing Beach Wears.

haha. so i found one of my new bikinis that i bought last week (and this is the less yummy one!) and thought i upload here to whet your taste bud abit. keke. i reckon it will look fabulous with my golden tan from ibiza really. although mia insisted i should have a nice tan here and flaunt my good skin colour when we are there. wOooOoOo.. too bad, i couldn't find my other buy which i got, really a delish that piece. grrr.
and im thinking to cut back some cost (ive been splurging even before the trip!) and head down to arab street or even spotlight for some material shopping and DIY something like this (so i can parade around with my cover up and still look fantabulous without baring too much (fats). if we can't afford to pay all the time to look good, im sure we can still walk that extra mile to make it happen. muahha. im even thinking of bling-ing them up! cyrstalize it maybe? mmm. just had an idea to sew some chiffon onto my sequine belts as skirts. omg i can be such a genius sometimes. :P. well see! *taps finger on chin pouting*

muse came up to me today and said "4 more weeks to go!", its 6weeks to go to be exact, but what the heck.
very excite!
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