"dysfuctionally inspired"

Monday, October 13

MSN nick reads : Di is unhappy for no reason.

    he says:

    Di says: :)

    he says: :/

    Di says: :)

    (and several minutes later.. i thought i should share my thoughts. since he care to ask(at least)..)

    Di says:
    do u sometimes u just wanna like get out...but now its like ...."get out...get out from where??"

    Di says:
    i am not the happiest and i dun seem to know what exactly is bothering me

    (no response until about 2minutes later..)

    he says:
    u going to yoga?

    (men. unbelivably cutest dumbest thing in our whole wide world. mmm. or maybe they choose to be?)

    Di says:

    the thing about babysteps that people take, are great, really. BUT, when it comes to relationship, we shouldn't expect to be hoorayed all the time, and neither encouraged (not all the time really!), and to me, i'd rather they learn their ropes (first) and show me what' you've got.

    impress me.

    we women don't say we like surprises for nothing.

    *eyes rolling*
posted by fries @ 1:56:00 PM