"dysfuctionally inspired"

Friday, July 11


    TGIF. ^.^

    sulker is me when i see peeps in the office snacking alll day long but the bloating only happens to me. why? and my menses is missing but all the pimples are popping? WHY? energy level dipping, motivation bordering, life is mundane and uninteresting.

    where have all the spices gone?

    at least my weekend has shed some light. :P
    1. dragonfly and zouk tonight.
    2. saturday - sisterkins lunch/shoppa/tea and coffee and work dinner.
    3. sunday - mahjong with the babbbbbbbbbbes. weeee!

    and i reckon it will be a fabulous idea to lie in the sun in the morning just before lunch for tomorrow. and and, did i mention that bunny's been good and do light work out everynight? :) so proud of myself.

    wellness all around so the spirit can be found. *winks*
posted by fries @ 4:31:00 PM