Friday, May 30
- new york, new york.

jewish cathedral in 96th street.

wall art at soho.

the met museum.

naked cowboy at times square.

street besides met museum.

the guggenheim.

more wall art.

bridge over troubled water..(central park).
*sobs* i miss new york. i miss MAH BAYBBEEE..! *pauses for a sec* *wails*
had been soooo busy. running errands the whole day (erm, i should mean these days), i hardly have time to blog anymore. *sulking and feeling apologetic* sorry ya'all, hope these pics feed you good. the black and white series are comming up soon too! *prances around her room* its like the bonuses of your life when things had been kinda greyish lately (with my work and no income).
oh, i met deborah in the train today!! i've not seen her for ages! we gotta know each other since 1996 at work, we clicked straight away and hung out well till she quitted and we lost contact after that. she had been a big sister to me, she took care of me alot at work, she's the street smart sort and funny, but some people from work dissed her becoz of her tactless attitude, but i thought she's just very real, and plus, i admired her guts to speak her mind freely even if it meant telling the people off right in their face when they pisses her off. ok, back to where i you know what's strange? iwas just thinking about her days ago. i wondered how she'd been doing, i kinda miss the days we hung out at her place after work, always smoking and laughing..SO! while i was on the phone in the train, she walked passed my sight and sat down opposite me! *laughs* so you should know what happens when two old friends met(alot of squeeking and repeated phrases like "argh!!! its been sooo long !!") after 7 long years, and unexpectedly, she appears right before you when you'd only thought about her whereabouts two days ago. im looking forward to meet her up again already!
late late, time for bed.
background + nowadays
renee zellweger (soundtrack from the movie, chicargo)
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