"dysfuctionally inspired"

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Thursday, June 1

30 Minutes Escapade in Orchard Towers.

    orchard towers is really quite a sight. i just came back from the bongo bar (one of the clubs on the 3rd level of orchard towers) and i had 30 minutes of visual satisfaction. hehe. er. for your information, i DO NOT work in there. i have nothing against the thai prostitutes/entertainers from the towers, and i also think they are also earning a decent money. come on, i meet people of higher status, who sleep around for free and for fun. this girls work and get paid, for whatever reasons, at least they do not hunt for married men, or squander other people's money and sit at home to rot. they were merely making a living (just in a different trade). some call it a sleazy place, which i have to admit, at the lowest point, it IS. BUT. so weird of me to be enjoying occasional visits to this fascinating world of such. to ogle at women IS weirdly.. one of my hobbies too. *wink*

    hot babes in mini shorts. whoa. everywhere.

    and since its so late, i can only summarize them like this.

    super mini shorts. great smiles. cat walks. flirts. boobies. 7 pole and stage dancers. hot bods. wild. very very entertaining, even for non lesbian female like me.

    you get ny drift. be envious. and good night. *yawns*
posted by fries @ 1:53:00 AM